Episode Twenty-Seven: What Can The US Capitol Attack Teach Us About Ourselves? (Part Two)

Episode 27 January 18, 2021 01:05:10
Episode Twenty-Seven: What Can The US Capitol Attack Teach Us About Ourselves? (Part Two)
Start Right Here: Conversations About What Matters Most
Episode Twenty-Seven: What Can The US Capitol Attack Teach Us About Ourselves? (Part Two)

Jan 18 2021 | 01:05:10


Show Notes

Therapist and author Dr. John Amodeo joins us in conversation about the attack on the Capitol and how we might be able to contribute to healing. Much of the episode is framed by an excerpt from John’s new article in Psychology Today: “Psychological Causes of the Attack on Our Capitol.”

Highlights include how communication can become less contentious if we can work toward a paradigm shift, away from all/none and either/or thinking toward communication that is characterized by “conversations to convey rather than conversations to convince.” The American Psychological Association has published "Beyond Your Bubble", to provide guidance for us to improve how we communicate politically.

We will continue exploring these themes in future episodes.

Read John’s article “Psychological Causes of the Attack on Our Capitol” here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/intimacy-path-toward-spirituality/202101/psychological-causes-the-attack-our-capitol

Visit John’s website http://johnamodeo.com/ for more information on John.

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