Episode Twenty-Eight: How Do We Move Forward in the Wake of Biden’s Inauguration?

Episode 28 January 25, 2021 00:45:46
Episode Twenty-Eight: How Do We Move Forward in the Wake of Biden’s Inauguration?
Start Right Here: Conversations About What Matters Most
Episode Twenty-Eight: How Do We Move Forward in the Wake of Biden’s Inauguration?

Jan 25 2021 | 00:45:46


Show Notes

Allen, Thom and Patrick continue the conversation about how we can contribute to the national healing while a global pandemic still rages, in the aftermath of political corruption and insurrection, at the outset of a new administration with an uncertain future. Characterizing our political culture as based not on wisdom but competition, the discussion is about how we might educate the public that the same tenets of communication frequently addressed in therapy can be beneficial to improving our political discourse. Specifically, the importance of learning to  “convey rather than to convince,” and communicating through “dialogue, not debate." Allen calls for conjoining the conversations surrounding politics and psychology to better serve both. We also observe the value of the recently-held memorial service in Washington DC for the thousands of Americans whose lives were tragically lost to COVID-19.

We encourage feedback so please email us anytime at [email protected] for any questions or comments!

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