Mary Gordon MA, LAADC, ICAADC shares her experiences as Director of The Betty Ford Center family program (among other things) in this discussion with Allen and Thom in the first week of 2021. Mary shares her thoughts on the importance of communication across America’s political divide to heal some of the damage caused by our extreme polarization. Mary describes some of the group experiences with retreats for women she and her colleague, Peggy McGillicuddy (also Mary’s daughter) facilitate as examples of discovering the power of self-respect and how some of these very same experiences might hold keys for a broader, national healing. As 2021 begins, we join with our listeners in grieving what has been lost in 2020 while also expressing gratitude for what has been created.
Learn more about Mary Gordon at
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Ericha Scott, Ph.D. is Allen’s and Thom’s guest for this episode. Dr. Scott is a Fellow for the International Society of Study of Trauma...
The first thing we’ll say to anyone who has listened to any of our episodes to date is a BIG THANK YOU. We are...
We begin this session by fine-tuning the name of our podcast. Start HERE becomes Start Right HERE. We want our listeners to be able...