Episode Six: The Authentic Self

Episode 6 August 25, 2020 00:55:28
Episode Six: The Authentic Self
Start Right Here: Conversations About What Matters Most
Episode Six: The Authentic Self

Aug 25 2020 | 00:55:28


Show Notes

Multiplicity is the essence of consciousness, not singularity. In parsing our many inner voices, we strive to locate our authentic selves in all the static. In this episode, Allen and Thom frame recovery as a "rescue operation" to retrieve our authentic self from the clutches of our false selves. They describe mental health as a place where our inner disharmony gets worked through to create something new and joyful. They argue that at the end of the day, we don't have to get rid of our dissenting voices to be at peace. We simply need to integrate them more effectively in our daily practices to have a more harmonious experience.

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