Allen, Thom and Patrick continue their conversation from last episode, making the point that “anybody can have a good day on a good day,” but it really is how we respond and handle ourselves when things don’t go our way that reveals character. Discussion leads to the idea that integrity, not personal satisfaction or happiness is the emphasis in the pursuit of emotional sobriety. Allen announces that he and Thom, along with co-author, Vince Hyman, are currently writing a book called Emotional Sobriety: One Day at a Time and Allen reads one of Thom’s recent contributions (about integrity) to the book. Andy and Barney take the girls out on the town.
Next week, we are joined by Dr. Nadine Macaluso to discuss dealing with trauma and PTSD.
Join Allen & Thom at our Thursday night Zoom meeting on Emotional Sobriety and the Steps (login information below)
Password: 375986
Dr. Nadine Macaluso, psychologist & ex-wife of The infamous Wolf of Wall Street, joins the conversation. She shares some of her personal story -...
The conversation is moving from what we need/want to recover from (INTRApersonal culprits such as self-condemnation, persistent anxiety, perfectionism, addictions, eating disorders, etc) toward...
Allen and Thom pick the conversation up where they left off last week, by clarifying that taking something personally does not mean that we...